Incinerator Needed

The health centre is also in desperate need of an incinerator to get rid of all the medical waste. Following investigation, I was informed that this is something that can be build locally using local materials.
Together and for the sake of public health, we can provide this centre with an incinerator.
Many thanks for your help and support.


Le centre de sante integre de Kaptchie a besoin des d’un incinerator pour dechets medicaux.
Presentement, cest un trou en plein air qui sert office d’incinerator. Cest un danger pour la sante public etant donne que le trou est expose en plein air and il n’ya pas de garde four ou protection autour pour eviter un accident.

Ensemble, nous pouvons offir a ce centre de sante un Incinerator pour dechets medicaux.